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Star-Struck for Space
\nA 6-year-old DuCharme became awestruck with the universe while visiting her grandfather in Arizona and searching for satellites with her dad in the desert sky.
\n“I’ll never forget the way the sky looked at night. I’d never seen so many stars in my life. I remember being so overwhelmed, not wanting to even blink because it was so beautiful.”
\nWhile studying engineering at Cal State Fullerton, she joined the student-led Titan Rover team, which designs and builds the next generation of Mars rover for collegiate competition.
\nAs an undergraduate, she landed an internship at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 2014 and worked on developing leading technologies to return Mars rock and soil samples back to Earth for analysis. Over the next several years as an intern, she had many roles on the Mars 2020 project through the development, testing and operations phases.
\nDuCharme continued her education at USC, where she graduated with a master’s degree in astronautical engineering and studied spacecraft dynamics. In 2017, she was hired as a full-time flight systems engineer.
\n“Since Mars 2020 was announced by NASA in 2012, just when I was beginning my major courses at Cal State Fullerton, I like to think that Perseverance and I grew up together,” she says.