11 Cal State Fullerton Programs Awarded Funding From Scott-Jewett Gift
\nCal State Fullerton received a $40 million gift from philanthropists MacKenzie Scott and Dan Jewett to support student success and innovation through the lens of social justice.
\n$35,000 Donated to Fullerton Arboretum for Harry L. Norman Endowment
\nFullerton Arboretum recently received a generous gift commitment of $35,000 from Jill Kurti Norman.
\nTwo Generous Gifts Promote Student Engagement in Fullerton Arboretum
\nFor more than 40 years, Friends of the Fullerton Arboretum has contributed millions of dollars in funding, volunteer services, scholarships and event support.
\n#TitansGive Donors Show Overwhelming Support for Titans in Fun-Filled Day of Giving
\n#TitansGive, the university's annual day of giving, successfully rallied Titans across the globe, generating $491,900 in support of student success.
\nDonors, Supporters of Lawrence de Graaf Center for Oral and Public History Celebrate at Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony
\nThe Lawrence de Graaf Center for Oral and Public History held a ribbon-cutting ceremony with donors and supporters to celebrate its new space.
\n$325,000 Workforce Development Grant from Bank of America Supports CSUF’s Women in Computer Science and Engineering Program
\nThe university’s Women in Computer Science and Engineering (WiCSE) Program recently received a pivotal Bank of America grant of $325,000.
\nPhilanthropist MacKenzie Scott and Husband Dan Jewett Give $40 Million Gift to Cal State Fullerton
\nCal State Fullerton has received its largest gift in history: $40 million from philanthropist MacKenzie Scott.
\n$650,000 Grant Promotes Women in Computer Science
\nThis grant will help remove barriers and increase the number of women graduating in computer science.
\nUniversity’s Day of Giving Raises More Than $450,000
\nThousands of Titans joined together March 9 for #TitansGive, which successfully raised more than $450,000 for the university’s “It Takes a Titan” campaign.
\n$650,000 Grant to Attract, Retain and Graduate Women in Computer Science
\nTo address the gender gap, remove barriers and increase the number of women graduating in computer science at Cal State Fullerton, the university has been To address the gender gap, remove barriers and increase the number of women graduating in computer science at Cal State Fullerton, the university has been awarded a $650,000 “Best Practice” grant.
\n‘Softball Dad’ Hits it Out of the Park With Gift to Championship Program
\nThe Cervantes family has pledged a $75,000 gift to the softball program, with an additional $50,000 match to name the renovated clubhouse patio deck \"The Cervantes Family Terrace.\"
\nSchoolsFirst FCU Donates $800,000 to Enhance Support for Teachers
\nThe gift supports the center's outreach, advising, workshops and teacher preparation programs like Titan Future Teachers and Men of Color in Education.
\n$500,000 Grant From NBCUniversal to Advance Training of Diverse Journalists
\nCal State Fullerton is the only four-year university in California partnering with NBCUniversal to train underrepresented journalism students.
\nAlumnus Commits $1 Million Gift to Center for Leadership
\nTerry M. Giles — lawyer, businessman, author and longtime CSUF supporter — has pledged a $1 million gift to the Center for Leadership.
\nAlumni Association Steps Up With $45,000 Grant to Help Current Students
\nWhen the pandemic sent tens of thousands of students home to complete their classes virtually, the Titan Alumni Association stepped up to help.
\nRock Solid CSUF Education Inspires Couple to Support Future Geologists
\nCal State Fullerton geology alumni and longtime supporters of the Department of Geological Sciences pledge a $400,000 legacy gift to support geology students in their academic endeavors.
\nTarsadia Foundation Gifts $300,000 to Center for Healthy Neighborhoods
\nThe Tarsadia Foundation recently committed a $300,000 gift to the Center for Healthy Neighborhoods to support its three-year strategic plan.
\nFullerton Arboretum Plants ‘Survive and Thrive’ Thanks to $100,000 Matching Grant
\nA matching grant from the Mysun Charitable Foundation helps bring the Fullerton Arboretum’s horticulture team back to full-time work.
\nRobert R. Hodges Fellowship Endowment Established
\nAn endowment of $400,000 in the name of Robert Hodges, professor emeritus of English, has been established to support fellowships for students pursuing academic degrees in English or comparative literature.
\nTitans Give Generously on University’s First Day of Giving
\nHundreds of Titans across the globe rallied together March 12 to make #TitansGive, Cal State Fullerton’s first-ever day of giving, an unqualified success.
\nLongtime University Donors Commit to $10 Million Gift of Titan Proportions
\nFullerton couple and university supporters Nicholas and Lee Begovich have committed to a $10 million planned gift to Cal State Fullerton to benefit gravitational-wave, engineering and computer science faculty and student research.
\nFaces of Philanthropy
\nEvery gift to Cal State Fullerton – no matter the size or type – has the potential to transform a student’s life. Donors to the university’s “It Takes a Titan” campaign share why they chose to give, and how they personalized their gifts in a way that was meaningful to them.
\nMusic Professor Tops Noteworthy Career With a Gift for Future Teachers
\nNearing retirement, Professor of Music Marc Dickey established the Willard and Virginia Dickey Instrumental Music Education Student Teacher Scholarship at Cal State Fullerton.
\nCampus to Launch ‘It Takes a Titan’ Campaign March 12
\nThe campus is launching its first-ever comprehensive philanthropic campaign, \"It Takes a Titan,\" Thursday, March 12, 9-11 a.m. in Titan Student Union Portola Pavilion.